Saturday, January 14, 2012


  I don't know what dusty basement somebody dragged this aptly named Italian stinker out of, but I'd love to go there and rummage to see what other kind of terrible/awesome crap is lurking in its depths.

  This movie really does feel like someone just found it lying around and decided to put it on DVD, the scenes go in and out of decent quality remastered footage to grainy, barely visible, drive-in quality production. The film is Italian, as I mentioned. But, as with a lot of 80's Italian films, it is set in the U.S. The difference is, unlike your other more 'run of the mill' Italian splatter flicks this one is set on a night when the NFL's Steelers and Rams are playing. I bring this up only because the movie did, in the most bizarrely distracting way. It had absolutely nothing to do with the story, but this film decided to spend a LOT of time showing screenshots of the game, and the commentary from the game is pretty hard to ignore too.....completely unnecessary but hilarious. The acting and dialogue in this one are just as laughable as pretty much every other aspect of this flick. Ludicrous line after ludicrous line are spouted to the point that I started missing things people were saying due to the fact I was still laughing at prior dialogue. These things coupled with a 'horrible'y written story that really had to stretch just to explain why there is even a killer on the loose.

   Things get slightly better on the gore/violence end of things. Considering the era, it stands to reason that it would, Italy had the gore market pretty solidly cornered in the early 80's and this film fits into that category like a glove. But even so, it's no masterpiece on this end either, falling a bit short on quantity. The quality would not have mattered considering the disabled feel this film already had going for it, but they could have made up for a lot by throwing a few more creative kills in this picture. What kills they did show were what you would expect from this kind of flick, loads of crimson paint like blood, rubberized prosthetic close up mutilations. All good if you're asking me, I just could have done with a lot more.

   When it's all said and done I have to say I personally enjoyed this film, but this puts me in what I know will be a very selected minority. I'm not even going to venture to suggest that anyone watch this, hopefully those of you out there know who of you will enjoy this film, and to the rest of you I would suggest skipping it.

tastelessness 4.5/10
gore 5.5/10
must-see-ness 3.5/10